With Thanksgiving right around the corner, we were wondering what Chizi and his black rhino friends might eat that day. We found some very useful information at RhinosInfo.com. Did you know that black rhinos are considered “browsers” and have a hooked upper lip which helps them to pull leaves from the twigs and branches? Black […]

Happy Halloween from Chizi the Black Rhino
We’re super excited to share our latest Chizi’s Tale coloring page with you—just in time for Halloween! We’ll be handing these out to the children in our neighborhood when they come knockin’ for Tricks or Treats tomorrow: A little candy. A little Chizi. A lot of smiles. Feel free to share Chizi with the Trick […]
GreenwichTime.com reports on: Rallying for rhinos with Chizi’s Tale author Jack Jones
We are delighted to share this wonderful piece from GreenwichTime.com featuring Jack Jones on the importance of saving black rhinos from extinction and the need for continued education. An excerpt from the article “Rallying for rhinos: Young author pens tale of survival and hope” As Jack Jones worked to bring his first book from concept to […]
Adopt-A-Rhino: Chizi’s Tale Fun Pack Activity Kit
Calling all parents, teachers and counselors—we’re on a mission to help save the black rhino and we hope you’ll join us! Chizi’s Tale: The True Story of an Orphaned Black Rhino, written by high schooler Jack Jones and illustrated by Jacqui Taylor, tells the story of two park rangers in Zimbabwe who found an […]
The Chizi’s Tale Launch Event: Picture It!
In celebration of World Rhino Day, September 22, we officially launched CHIZI’S TALE: The True Story of an Orphaned Black Rhino with Diane’s Books of Greenwich, CT and TUSK USA. More than 300 people attended the event and author Jack Jones will donate 100% of the proceeds to TUSK. A small selection of the dozens […]
One of the things we like to do best with Chizi is to share him—to share his story, that is! To help us do that, we’ve created the Chizi’s Tale Fun Pack. It’s full of fun facts about rhinos, special Chizi coloring pages and much more. You can download your Fun Pack right here! Just […]
Tomorrow is the Big Day
In less than 24 hours, Chizi’s Tale: The True Story of an Orphaned Black Rhino will be available to purchase. My goal is for this book to raise funds for TUSK, a non-profit organization centered in London, England that aims to protect and preserve myriad endangered animals around the globe, including the black rhino, and […]
The Black Rhino Population: Then and Now
As we gear up for the publication of CHIZI’S TALE The True Story of An Orphaned Black Rhino (on sale September 8, but you can pre-order your copy today!) we thought it would be interesting to share some statistics on the black rhino population in Africa—then and now. As you can see from the infographic […]
Happy Labor Day!
I am grateful for two major reasons today. First and foremost, I am grateful for all the workers across the world. Thank you for your efforts and deeds. Society could truly not function without you guys. Secondly, I am grateful that I have reached the month, September, when my book comes out. It has been […]